Management Assistant Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services (m/f/d)

Vocational training as an Management Assistant Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services (m/f/d) at BENNINGHOVEN in Wittlich

Apply now for training opportunities in 2025

Are you a perfect organizer who always has a plan?

With us, you will assure fast, smooth, and hassle-free delivery of our products – whether by truck or train, ship, or plane

Are you a perfectionist?

With us, you determine the most efficient and cost-effective shipping solutions for our customers.

Your job profile:

  • The planning, organization, management, monitoring, and processing of goods shipments and other logistics services
  • Implementation and use of IT and communication technologies
  • Advisory services and customer care
  • Correspondence and communication with foreign business partners
  • Handling of returns, complaints, and damage reports
  • Evaluation of service offerings in the transport and logistics market
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Brief overview

Length of training: 3 years
Vocational training college: Trier
Vocational training college courses: 3 days per fortnight

Your profile:

  • Successful graduation from school with good grades in mathematics, English and German
  • Strong interest in business processes
  • Outgoing, strong communicative skills, team player


  • Certified Business Administrator / Shipping and Logistics (m/f/d)
  • Business Administrator / Transport (m/f/d)
  • Business Administrator / Logistics (m/f/d)
  • Certified specialist for logistics systems (m/f/d)

Send us your application now

Please apply online with our application form and attach relevant documents detailing your previous education, qualifications, skills, and interests (cover letter, CV, last school report):

To our open apprenticeship positions


Bernd Stoll
Leiter Personalwesen
Tel. +49 65 71 / 6978 5583

Write us an e-mail

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AZUBI techdays 2024

In the course of the AZUBI techdays from 3 to 5 July at Benninghoven in Wittlich, trainees from across the Wirtgen Group showed their skills and talents as they jointly realised a road rehabilitation project with the CTB method on their own.

Learn more


A day for “Azubis” organized by “Azubis” – a day on which our current trainees (Azubis) introduce visitors to the broad spectrum of recognized training occupations offered by BENNINGHOVEN and show them what we actually manufacture. Loads of information and live action at BENNINGHOVEN – and everything you could ever want to know about training, dual study programs, and work experience placements.

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Collaboration with schools

In active collaboration with regional school partners, BENNINGHOVEN aims to take advantage of the chance to get in touch with you, as students still in school, at an early stage and awaken your interest in our company and the career opportunities our vocational training programs can offer you.

Learn more