Interest in sustainable solutions for road construction is constantly growing. Construction?Yes – but how? The Wirtgen Group provides the answer to this question with a wide range of machines and systems for all phases of construction projects from the portfolios of its various product brands.
In response to the enormous interest shown by the Neuwied District, the company organised a demonstration of selected products that are used in the stabilisation of farm tracks, forestry roads and agricultural service roads.
The aim was to give the representatives of the planning departments of local authority associations attending the event a feeling for future-oriented rehabilitation of yards and facilities, roads and tracks and the processing of materials in the course of an authentic practical demonstration under real world conditions. The demonstration enabled the attendees to gather a before and after impression of the entire construction process. The final results were so convincing that a purchasing agreement for a Wirtgen WS 250 and a John Deere 8R tractor was signed directly after the demonstration.
Construction equipment specialists Werwie GmbH provided machines from their rental equipment fleet for the demonstration.
The method presented makes use of the existing soil as an in-place resource. Optimal results can be achieved with the delivery of comparatively little or no additional material to the construction site. This is therefore a low-cost and environmentally-friendly alternative to complete soil replacement. In addition, the fast, space-saving process minimises environmentally harmful traffic disruption.
The advantages of the in-place method at a glance:
The test sections at the location are predominantly used for access to fields by, in some cases heavy, agricultural machines and equipment. The demonstrations were conducted on a total of four test sections with lengths of 120 to 500 m and widths from 2.5 to 3 m in St. Katharinen and Vettelschoss.
On a test section in Vettelschoss, the team milled off the existing brittle asphalt pavement to a depth of 10 cm and mixed it into the road bed. A 2.5% lime-cement mix was also mixed into the milled material as a stabiliser. In the course of the demonstration, the Wirtgen Group machines processed a total of around 1,500 m².