Surface Miners and Cross Application Miners

Ruggedly-built Surface Miners are used for the extraction of a wide range of primary resources by cutting in open cast mines. Thanks to selective extraction, they achieve high degrees of material quality and enable optimal exploitation of mineral deposits. Cross Application Miners are purpose-built for frequently changing applications, particularly in the course of larger infrastructure projects. These machines therefore differ to some extent in terms of features, equipment and size and are therefore also easier to transport.
Constructed especially for the tough operating conditions encountered in open cast mining, Surface Miners extract primary resources such as coal, gypsum, rock salt, phosphate, bauxite or limestone with unconfined compressive strengths of up to 80 MPa with high purity and maximised exploitation of deposits. Centrally-located underneath the machine, the cutting drum can be customised to meet each customer’s specific needs. The extracted material can be deposited behind the machine in windrows, sidecast with the machine’s integrated discharge conveyor or loaded directly onto transport vehicles. Surface mining can be carried on a small scale in quarries with restricted space or in continuous operation (24/7) on large-scale open cast mining sites.
All details, illustrations and texts are non-binding and may include special equipment. We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice. Performance data are dependent upon actual operational conditions.