Breaking ground at BENNINGHOVEN

After barely a year of planning, BENNINGHOVEN GmbH & Co. KG has started on the construction of a new main factory. The specialist for manufacturing asphalt mixing plants will move into the new production facility in Wittlich in early 2018.
This project is the largest single investment in the history of the WIRTGEN GROUP (>100 million euros) and is a clear commitment to Germany as a production location, to Rhineland-Palatinate, to the region and also to the town of Wittlich. The new plant is a logical and necessary step in strengthening the company’s competitive position at a global level. The current production capacity is no longer able to meet the growing demand.
BENNINGHOVEN's integration into the Wirtgen Group sales and service network has been successfully accomplished in Europe and Australia, and over the next few years the company will actively continue to gradually tap into other international markets. More than ever before, the focus is on growth.
The WIRTGEN GROUP is investing in a completely new plant at the Wittlich site to cope with the increasing volume of orders, with the long-term perspective and objective of making Benninghoven one of the world's leading companies.
BENNINGHOVEN, which has developed over time, currently manufactures mobile, transportable and stationary asphalt mixing plants, mastic asphalt mixers and granulators at two production sites in Mülheim an der Mosel and Wittlich. Plants for the production of rolled and mastic asphalt and technologies for the re-use of old road surfaces. The goal is to merge these sites in the new building. The geographical characteristics at both old locations offered no opportunities for expansion. Concentrating the entire production chain in one place – from pre-fabrication to final assembly – guarantees optimised production processes.
Another key factor to the choice of location was its proximity to the existing plants. Not only does the company intend to retain the jobs of its highly skilled staff, it also plans to create new jobs in the future, expecting the number of employees to increase to 1,000 in the medium and long term.
The aim is to establish a state-of-the-art factory, i.e. starting with the very latest production systems, featuring lean management concepts and technologies within the context of Industry 4.0, with particular emphasis on workplace quality, ranging from the installation of ergonomic workstations in all areas to modern ventilation systems, natural light and many other aspects.
A 46,000 m² production facility and a 12,000 m² administrative building on five floors are being built on the 330,000 m² site. The generous capacities of the new main factory perfectly accommodate the component dimensions of the asphalt mixing plants, which are up to 50 m tall. The growth-oriented company has already included possible expansion phases in the planning.
BENNINGHOVEN has been a specialist for the manufacturing of asphalt mixing plants for over 50 years. The manufacturer with a long tradition sets great store by quality and innovation. Whether standard designs or individual customer requests – BENNINGHOVEN can offer a suitable plant solution for any market requirement.
With unique innovations in the field of asphalt mixing and combustion technology, BENNINGHOVEN has always been regarded as an industry pioneer. The actions of the company are still driven by pioneering spirit and tradition in combination with forward-looking technologies and highly specialised employees. From steel construction to the development of complex control systems – BENNINGHOVEN develops and manufactures all core components in-house.
Today's ground-breaking ceremony marks the start of the civil engineering work, i.e. over 400,000 m³ of earth will be moved, followed by the building construction early in the new year, so that the moving lorries can be on the road early in 2018. The first asphalt mixing plants in Wittlich Wengerohr will then be manufactured from the spring of 2018.
Mülheim/Wittlich, 31/08/2016
Public Relations
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53578 Windhagen